As they mature, children experience fast developmental shifts. These alterations mostly involve the body. Other changes are cognitive, which means that they alter how children think and how they learn new information. Most kids accomplish particular developmental milestones by the time they reach a given age since child development frequently happens in stages. The growth of a child can be broken down into five stages. Continue reading to discover.


There are a variety of schools of thought among academics regarding the precise number of developmental stages that children go through on their road to becoming adults. For instance, in 1936, Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget worked out a theory that describes the four primary stages of child development. These stages are: birth through 18–24 months, a \»preoperational\» stage that includes toddlerhood and early childhood up until the age of 7, a \»concrete operational\» stage from ages 7–12, and adolescence. Piaget\’s theory was published in the journal Child Development. According to the findings of other researchers, there are six distinct phases of child development. These stages are as follows: infancy, toddlerhood, preschool, school age, and adolescence. It\’s possible that a developmental handicap could be indicated if certain milestones aren\’t met. The majority of people who are diagnosed with developmental problems by the time they reach adolescence have done so as a result of screening procedures that are utilized by specialists in child development. Keeping this in mind, one way to talk about the development of a child is in terms of their progression through five phases.


1. A newborn baby:

Newborns respond automatically to outside stimuli throughout the first month of life. In other words, when you massage a baby\’s face or put your finger in her hand, the baby will bend her head toward your hand and grab it. A newborn is able to move her head from side to side, view objects up close, identify specific smells, and grin or cry when she needs something.
Developmental problems such spina bifida, hereditary conditions, and fetal alcohol syndrome can manifest in newborns.

2. Child

In the first year of life, infants swiftly acquire new skills. An infant can regulate his head motions and put his hands together between the ages of three and six months. A baby can sit alone, chatter, and react to his name by the time he is six to nine months old. A baby can pick up things, crawl, and even stand with support between the ages of nine and twelve months. Infants that develop slowly may have Down syndrome or other developmental difficulties.

3. Infant:

Toddlers start to learn how to walk independently, climb stairs, and leap in place when they are between the ages of one and three years old. They are able to utilize brief words, wield a crayon, draw circles, stack blocks on top of one another, and even follow straightforward instructions. When a parent or medical professional has concerns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises screening for autism between the ages of 18 and 24 months.

4. Elementary:

Children develop their motor skills between the ages of three and five. They are able to clothe themselves, throw a ball overhand, skip and jump, stand on one foot for at least ten seconds, and draw faces. At this stage of development, symptoms of developmental impairments including cerebral palsy may start to show.

5. Education Age:

Children six to twelve years old are considered school-age. They are competent, self-assured, autonomous, and accountable. For youngsters of school age, peer interactions are crucial, especially those with peers of the same gender. Children who are older and in school start to acquire their sexual features. In youngsters of school age, symptoms of ADHD, such as difficulty focusing and being easily distracted, may manifest. Contact RISE, an innovative human services network founded in 1987, if you are concerned that your kid is lagging behind.

For those who have disabilities, RISE provides a range of beneficial services, such as day programs, employment support, managed care, residential settings, and home and community-based services. For children with developmental problems, RISE\’s developmental specialists offer early intervention programs like occupational therapy, speech therapy, and physical therapy.

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